Organisation Planning

Does your organisation sit down as a group and dedicate time to plan the future directions of your organisation? Or does your organisation drift along responding to the various needs of a range of stakeholders?

If you believe your organisation needs to go in a particular direction, the course must be charted and a strategy set, 'drifting' allows other forces to determine your direction.

There are fundamental decisions that need to be made when planning the next moves of your organisation, e.g. market segments, customer needs and preferences, core business, growth strategies and many more.

Exploring these issues as a team and making the big decisions together will drive good strategy and a commitment to see it through to implementation.

Mark Douglas has assisted large, publicly-listed organisations and small businesses with a turnover of less than $1 million, to plan their strategies for growth, to improve work team effectiveness and develop improvement plans to improve productivity.

We can help with:

  • Work team effectiveness and improvement
  • Strategic and business planning
  • Improvement planning
  • Facilitating and preparing an industry development strategy, or a regional community plan;
  • A review and analysis of stakeholder needs and preferences
  • Develop a plan for major strategic initiative that requires support across staff and stakeholders
  • In-house leadership development and refresher programs to sharpen leadership behaviour and align leadership strategies with the goals and values of the organisation.

ETHOS Consulting can assist with professional consultation, group facilitation and documentation of outcomes into a professional plan.